Friday, January 13, 2012

Sonnet 4

As time unfolds and shows itself anew,
Earth shifts its colors, shaking off the guise
Which through the years had veiled my callow eyes
And shown me only shades of what is true;
The depth of light far deeper than I knew
And truth of yore now seems today as lies
As foolish thoughts have given way to wise
My lucid mind bespeaks a sharper view.
Yet still the turning ages bring a change
To all things bound within the grasp of time.
Just as the tender shoot to tree shall grow,
So shall my pliant mind expand its range.
Although the past makes present seem as prime
A time yet waits when I shall fully know.

1 comment:

  1. "Earth shifts its colors, shaking off the guise
    Which through the years had veiled my callow eyes
    and shown me ONLY SHADES of what is true..."

    ^I love that. Love it.
    You should post something EVERY day.
