Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Healing Song

I wrote this poem a few years back, but, like this blog, I recently dragged it out again and polished it up. I originally intended it as lyrics, though I never attempted to write any music for it. I haven't much of a gift for composing, but if any of you do, feel free to have at it!


It only took a misshapped word, a single careless phrase,
A spark that lit on withered grass so soon became a blaze.
In vain I ran for water but found my words were dry;
I only fanned a growing flame and unknowingly burned your pride.

The storm clouds hurled their deadly roar and blotted out my crys;
Their meaning lost on empty winds as onward raged the skys.
In dark I walked in sleepless dreams, seeking out your face,
And morning brought me only woes, the light drowned out by grey.

But then from darkness you immerged, your heart as torn as mine,
Burdened by the weight of loss and searching for a sign.
Through tears I begged forgiveness for all I was to blame,
Then love came forth like healing streams, absolving all the pain.

My poor, neglected blog

I know I have let this blog go by the wayside--in fact, until now, I had just let it go, period--but after recieving encouragement from my loyal followers (mostly just Justin), my fellow bloggers, and a certain assignment for my Technical Writing class, I am once again motivated to dust this thing off and give it another go (or at least attempt to). You may have noticed that I revamped the background and other settings. I rather like the change and I think it adds some needed flair. Now to add some needed posts....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Leave of Absence

I appologize that I have been unable to post the last few weeks. I have AP testing coming up starting Monday, so I haven't had time to post anything. The first instalment of my serial should be coming out sometime next week or the week after, once my testing is done and things slow down. I hope you all like my story-- I have the feeling that it will either go over really well or really bad. haha. We'll see.

Friday, April 9, 2010


It was suggested to me (and I think it is a marvelous idea) that I write a story and post it in serial. I have so far been unable to come up with an idea that I could really run with, so I would like to know, what kind of story would you guys be interested in reading? And please, if you have no opinion one way or another, please don't respond with "Anything is good for me," because while that is beautiful sharing, it's not very helpful in this particular case.

Throw anything out there: a genre or theme or setting, anything that might help to get my creative juices flowing.

However, don't feel bad if I don't go with your idea. You may find that some part of that idea appears later on down the line in my story.

Thank you everyone who is actually taking the time to follow this blog. I really appreciate having a loyal band of followers. :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The official groundbreaking

I wrote this a few years back. It seemed appropriate as my first post. It has no title. If that bugs you, make one up.

a compulsive obsession
late at night
still i cannot stop
nor will i yet for a time

my world spins around me
yet i hold steadfast to pen and page
an anchor against reality
it holds and keeps me

keeps me coming back for more
until i am caught up
on a sea of words and feeling
i am carried by my passion

though it exists without reason or purpose
save in the world of my own making
it feeds my innermost being
as it flows from my soul to the page